Seedling Kit


Seedling Kit

This kit is a great way to start students off in the wonderment of growing things from seed. This pack includes 30 individual recycled cardboard pots, 6 packs of seeds and enough potting mix for all the pots. Plastic tray to hold the pots and a plastic sprinkler to attach to a soft drink bottle. Seedling mix contains an assortment of flowers, herbs and vegetables. Warning: Advised to wear gloves and a mask when handling potting mix. Place soil in pots up to ¾ of pot depth, add pots to plastic tray and sprinkle selected seeds over each of the pots. Place further soil over the seeds and sprinkle well with water and place in well lit but not direct sun. Indoors under a window is suitable. Seeds will appear within 6 to 10 days and keep watering once every 2-3 days. When seedlings are ready, take the entire pot and place in garden soil where it will break down into the soil. You may thin seedlings if necessary and replant into your garden plot.